author, Award, Award winning, beatredundancyblues, blog, books, employment, reader, Redundancy, writer, writing

Join my award-winning writing blog >

Hi Everyone

As I have had a lot of visitors for my writing blog, I thought you would interested to know more about it and so I have added this new page to my blog site:

Join my award-winning writing blog >

This page will give you insights into my award-winning writing blog, click here to join:

Some of the most popular posts that you may want to read are:

Researching what your reader wants to read

How to create compelling characters for kids

A is for appreciation of your reader (A-Z of writing)

Time to write

Look out for further updates and please post your comments and let me know what you think.

The A-Z of redundancy will be coming to this blog site shortly. So watch this space.

Write soon


Advice, advisor, beatredundancyblues, consultant, employment, Guidance, IAG, Information, new website, redundancies, Redundancy, reward yourself, trainer, twitter, unemployed, unemployment, writer

Launch of Facebook beatredundancyblues company page

Hi Everyone

Thanks to those who helped make my IAG rewards list so enjoyable. It’s back to work for me now and what better way to celebrate than with the launch of my beatredundancyblues company page on Facebook.

You can see my page by clicking this link:  You are most welcome to look, comment, Like or share my page and if you want to know more you can also contact me at:

I have also updated my newly qualified title to Redundancy and Unemployment Specialist Support Advisor, Consultant, Trainer and Writer. I will be offering a range of products and services to help people who are redundant and unemployed, to get back into work. is still being designed and so you will not be able to access it until it’s launch but you can refer to this blog for help and advice in the meantime.

Another celebration is the fact that my writing blog has won a second award called the One Lovely Blog Award, you may want to check it out.

For those of you who use LinkedIn my page is please get in touch.

You can also tweet me @beatredundancyb or use the contact form below to have your say.

Stay positive Sandra Bellamy


Reward Yourself

Hi Everyone

I have recently worked very hard to complete 10 modules of a Level 4 IAG Diploma. (Information, Advice and Guidance.)

I got given my modules on the 4th of May and had a tight deadline of the 25th of June, that was extended to the 27th of June.  This Diploma is often done over a year and so I had my work cut out. With a lot of self-discipline, a lack of sleep and a huge amount of motivation, I succeeded in getting my coursework in by the 27th of June.

In order to motivate myself, I created a rewards list.  That got larger and larger as time went on and I put more hours in to working.  The list did work and now I am rewarding myself and it feels great.  Here is my list:

  • Meet my friends
  • See my Grandma
  • Visit my parents
  • Eat sugar free, gluten free, chocolate ice-cream
  • Go to the cinema
  • Rent movies out

This list is not exhaustive, but captures all of the main points.  Your list will be about what’s important to you.

In order to motivate yourself, it is essential to reward yourself once the work is done.  It is important to give yourself little rewards as you go along, for the work you have done so far but if you tell yourself, you are not allowed to do some of the things until you have completed the work and it’s things you really want and need to do, then it will incentivise you to get the work done.

What is on your rewards list?

Stay positive
