
How Much Do You Value Your Time?

When we go to school we get told to get an education and get a 9-5 job, when we get that job, often we come home, watch TV, maybe meet up with family or friends, but how much time do we actually spend investing in ourself, in nourishing our brain and in growing us?

When you think how short life is, does it make you reflect on your life, on what you have learnt? On how you are growing yourself? On how much of yourself you are challenging, growing, and developing? I did not know to think this way, but now I know I should have thought about this years ago. If I had known about personal and professional development when younger, I don’t think I would not have been depressed like I was, because my brain would have been nourished, nurtured, and I would have been able to see me in a different light. However, my environment was no good for me, but now I have a choice about every aspect of my life and if you have not done so already, I urge you to invest in yourself, with books, training courses, seminars, and more, because you are valuable and your life is worth more than another episode of your favourite soap opera or TV show – that is not going to grow or challenge you, you are worth more that that. So as we progress through 2018, I want you to ask yourself, how much do I value my time?