Redundancy Inspiration

Live, Laugh, Love, That’s Enough!

Through these dark and difficult pandemic times, we must also remember all the light we can bring to our own life and those of others. Sometimes to live, laugh and love, really is enough!

Allow me to explain:

When we live with all our heart! And follow our hopes, goals, ambitions, dreams, and passions; life is so much sweeter, happier, lighter.

When we laugh, we have joy in our heart, and it’s hard to be sad if we are joyous!

And when we give love out to others, without expecting anything in return, we often get back more love than we ever thought possible. Plus, giving love to others, just makes us feel so good. Feeling good is the antidote to feeling bad, and this is the best form of non-pharmaceutical medicine to soothe your soul.

So I encourage you each day to live, laugh, and love, to the fullest, always.

Share this with now, with someone who needs to hear it!

As always, stay positive.

Sandra xx


Redundancy Inspiration

How To Think Like A Winner In An Instant! | Powerful Speech Instant Results

This is one of the most powerful speeches on how to think like a winner in an instant, that I have ever heard. In this video, Steve sums up how the positive and negative sides to our brain work, so that we can easily see exactly how to start our day and think like a winner in an instant. I was so amazed by his analogy and how super simple it was to understand exactly how our brains work, that I just had to share it with you. If you want to improve your mindset in an instant, please watch the video above, now!

What do you think? Do you find this useful? I would love to know what you think, so please leave your comments below.

Until next time, stay positive

Sandra xx

Redundancy Inspiration

Nick Vijucic Success Without Limits Best Motivational/Inspirational Video – Courage, Fear & Hope

I filmed Nick Vijucic at the 2015 Success Without Limits National Achiever’s Congress in London, live, and this was his amazing speech about hope. Nick was born without any legs or any arms, yet he has a beautiful wife and a total of 4 kids now. Nick firmly proves that there is no such thing as limits, only the limits we set for ourselves. No legs, no arms, no limits.

Watch Nick Vijucic Success Without Limits Best Motivational/Inspirational Video – Courage, Fear & Hope, now!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, for life hacks on how to live your best life, be your best self, and live your purpose.

As always, stay positive
Sandra xx

Redundancy Inspiration

Inspirational Video: Greatness Quotes: Motivational/Inspirational Quotes

Sometimes in life, you get caught up in the hum drum of it, and forget just how wonderful you are and how great life is, just because you are in it. In this inspirational video, I want to remind you of just how great you are with these greatness quotes, and hope this video motivates you to see just how amazing and super special you are.

Which of these quotes do you resonate with the most? I would love read your thoughts so please write in the comments below!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, for life hacks on how to live your best life, be your best self, and live your purpose.

As always, stay positive
Sandra xx

Redundancy Inspiration

Happy New Year 2019 Inspirational Quote! Are You Still In Love With Your Comfort Zone?

New Year get out of comfort zone quote

Happy New Year 2019. “The New Year Means Nothing If You’re Still In Love With Comfort Zone!”

Are you still in love with your comfort zone? This quote says everything. Life is scary, following your dreams is scary, but living constantly in your comfort zone and never knowing what you are actually capable of achieving is equally scary!

What will you choose for 2019, to stay in love with your comfort zone or get out of it once and for all? Comment below and make your New Year’s Day 2019 declaration to the world today!

As always, stay positive and work on your own quirky dreams.

Love Sandra xx


Redundancy Inspiration

Inspirational Self love Quote: Self Love is an Ocean Inspirational Quote!

You must come first quote

“Self love is an ocean and your heart is a vessel. Make it full, and any excess will spill over into the lives of the people you hold dear. But you must come first.”

This is so true. If you are not self loving or loving your own life or you are paying too much attention to others and neglecting yourself, then just like that ocean, you will find that sewage enters your life and makes the waters murky. Taking care of yourself first and foremost and loving who you are, is the best thing you can do to make sure your heart is filled with love and joy so you can then give it to other people.

Let me know in the comments how you are self loving right now!

As always, stay positive and follow your quirky dreams.


Sandra xx