Redundancy Inspiration

How To Overcome Your Fears To Live Your Dreams: 16 Practical Ways For Overcoming Your Fears

Living fears.facebook-photo

This quote by motivational speaker Les Brown says it all. The reason we are not living our dreams, is because we are living our fears. Fears hold us back from accomplishing our dreams, so we must reduce our fears, so that we can live more of our dreams. We reduce our fears by:

  1. Facing them head on and doing the thing we fear the most.
  2. Finding a workaround solution.
  3. Learning new competencies and skills to be more confident that we can do whatever we put our mind to.
  4. Believing in our ability to figure things out even if we don’t know how right now.
  5. Believing everything happens for a reason, even if the reason is not apparent at the time.
  6. Setting goals and taking action on them, then monitoring our results and improving upon them.
  7. Acknowledging there will be difficulties and difficult times in your life and that is okay.
  8. See obstacles as challenges you will gladly overcome.
  9. Loving yourself no matter what happens.
  10. Focusing on feeling grateful and thankful for everything you have right now in your life.
  11. Reflecting on the past, to learn from it but not dwell on it and not wanting it to change but believing you did the best you could do at the time.
  12. Living for now, in the moment, as you never know when your last breath will be
  13. Planning for the future in a practical way by sitting down and writing out a one year, two year, and/or five year plan, and monthly plan, daily plan, with solutions on how to make those plans come to fruition and working those plans every day by taking action on them.
  14. Giving up things which make you feel bad, sad, uneasy, or unhappy.
  15. Constantly taking action to achieve goals, however big or small, because that builds momentum and drive to move forward in your life and puts those fears and worries out of your mind.
  16. Schedule in time for fun and self-dating and being at one with your soul, and make it happen.

I hope that helps you? Please let know what think and if you have any more you would like to add?

Until next time, stay positive

Sandra xx